Dubai Mission Trip Interest Meeting

February 25 11:30 am - 12:30 pm  |  Mosaic North

20406 76th Ave W, Edmonds, WA 98026, USA

Are you interested in going on a short-term mission trip to Dubai in Winter 2025?

Join us on Feb. 25 for an interest meeting where you will learn more about the trip, meet the trip leaders and have any questions you have answered.


Why Dubai?

Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates, making up over 40% of the country’s population. It is estimated that 3,604,030 people live in the Dubai metro area. The city is a bustling hub of mercantile and global transport that draws people from the Middle East, Western Asia and beyond. According to the Joshua Project, over 83% of the U.A.E. population is unreached, meaning there is few, if any, indigenous followers of Jesus. This is why we are going to Dubai! We are going to share the good news of Jesus! While in Dubai, we will share the story of Jesus and pray for people. We are believing to see hearts transformed by the love of Jesus and power of the Holy Spirit!